To Separate Even and Odd Numbers using Assembly Language

Assembly programming language is a low-level computer programming language that uses mnemonic to represent each low-level machine instruction. The below program illustrates how to separate even and odd numbers using assembly language.

org 1000h
array db 11h, 22h, 33h, 44h, 55h, 66h, 77h, 88h, 99h, 10h
org 2000h
evn db ?
org 3000h
odd db ?
data ends

assume cs:code, ds:data
start: mov ax,data
       mov ds, ax
       lea si, array
       lea di, odd
       mov ax, 00h
       mov cl, 0ah
up:    mov al, [si]
       mov bl, 02
       div bl
       cmp ah, 00h
       je l1
       mov a1, [si]
       mov [di], al
       inc di
l1:    inc si
       dec cl
       jnz up
       lea si, array
       lea di, evn
       mov cl, 0ah
up1:   mov al, [si]
       mov bl, 02h
       div bl
       cmp ah, 00h
       jne l2
       mov al, [si]
       mov [di], al
       inc di
l2:    inc si
       dec cl
       jnz up1
skip:  mov ah, 4ch
       int 21h
       code ends
       end start

The above program illustrates how to separate even and odd numbers using assembly language. We first define the array of numbers we want to separate and then defines address to store even numbers and address to store odd numbers. Here, we have used address 2000h to store even numbers and address 3000h to store odd numbers.

Also read: Best websites to Learn Coding Online

The output of the program to separate even and odd numbers using assembly language is shown below.

Output -
g=0000 0048
AX=4C10 BX=0002 CX=3000 DX=0000
-d 2000
076A: 2000 22 44 66 88 10
-d 3000
076A: 3000 33 55 77 99

The above program illustrated how to separate even and odd numbers using assembly language program.

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